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Working with Roxanne was one of the best decisions I made for my book. Every step of the way she was professional, attentive, diligent, and also very thoughtful and creative. Her comments were clear and judicious throughout. I appreciated how well she understood the argument, which in turn enabled her to provide insightful commentary and helpful suggestions for structure and word choice. I felt very much in safe hands from start to finish, which took a great deal of pressure off me. I am delighted with the end result and so was the press. 

 – Heba Mostafa, University of Toronto

Architecture of Anxiety, Body Politics and the Formation of Islamic Architecture 

(Leiden: Brill, 2024)

Do you have questions about my

editorial process or range of services?


Get in touch with me about 

current rates and availability! 

I'm here to assist at all stages of the writing and publication process. 

Do you have a first draft? What about a dissertation you're ready to turn into a book? Has an acquisition editor suggested you work with an outside editor?  

As a developmental editor, I thoroughly assess early drafts at the manuscript and chapter level for argument, structure, narrative, and voice. Authors tend to find my specific, strategic suggestions for restructuring and rewriting the most valuable aspect of this critical feedback.

Has your book been accepted for publication? Congratulations!

As a line editor, I edit your manuscript at the sentence and paragraph level for style, grammar, syntax, and usage. I also address clarity, narrative flow, and argument logic.

Are you planning an edited volume? 

These are among my favorite projects. I'm especially skilled at providing editorial feedback to authors to ensure the volume coheres. I am also available to act as a liaison, and to help editors write and pitch an effective book proposal to appropriate presses. 

Regardless of the type of editing that your project needs, our work together always begins with an in-depth conversation about your goals for the manuscript. I adopt the position of your ideal reader and simultaneously aim to be the person, after the author, who is most knowledgeable of the ins and outs of the manuscript. I genuinely love working with academic authors and promise to approach your writing with the same meticulous care as I do my own. 

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